Charlotte Wrongful Death

Experienced Wrongful Death Law Firm Representing Families Throughout Charlotte, NC

The death of a loved one is never easy, and the devastation is only further compounded when their passing was caused by someone else’s wrongful or negligent actions. Led by Charlotte wrongful death attorney Mike Maurer, our team at Maurer Law is here to help families recover the compensation and other damages they are owed for their loss.

Wrongful Death in North Carolina

Under North Carolina statute, a fatality is considered a “wrongful death” if it occurred because another person acted wrongfully, negligently, or in default, and had the injured person lived, there would have been grounds for a personal injury claim. This same law allows the deceased’s family to file a wrongful death claim to recover those damages as well as their own.

While no amount of money can make up for your loved one’s passing, Maurer Law knows how important it is that you not only hold the negligent party accountable, but also that you obtain the financial relief you are owed. This may include compensation for:

  • The pain and suffering of your loved one prior to their wrongful death, as well as any medical costs and pre-death income lost following the accident.
  • Your own pain and suffering, as well as the pain and suffering of other family members.
  • Loss of companionship, services, care, protection, assistance, and guidance.
  • Loss of financial support.
  • Funeral or cremation costs.
  • In some cases, punitive damages.

It is important that you file your Charlotte wrongful death case right away while evidence can be gathered and preserved and witness accounts are still fresh. Also, there is a two-year statute of limitations from the date of the victim’s passing for filing your claim. This is not the type of North Carolina injury case you want to take on without experienced legal help.

For years, Charlotte wrongful death lawyer Mike Maurer has successfully represented families against the parties who caused their loved one’s sudden passing in accidents involving:

Former Insurance Defense Attorney Now Representing Families

Before he became a North Carolina personal injury lawyer, Mr. Maurer was an insurance defense attorney representing the parties that normally sit on the other side of wrongful death cases. He’s familiar with the strategies and tactics that legal teams and insurers for the liable will use to try to deny, minimize, of obfuscate your claim and he knows how to prevent that from happening while protecting your legal rights.

Compassionate Advocacy, Zealous and Dedicated Legal Representation

Wrongful death claims can be tough to prove, not to mention emotionally grueling for those who are also grappling with the grief and trauma of losing a loved one. At Maurer Law, we know you are going through a very difficult time, which is why we are here to help.

Should we agree to work together, Attorney Maurer and his team will dedicate their time, attention, and resources to your case. We only take on a limited amount of North Carolina injury claims at a time, and we choose to work with the people who need our help the most.

Skillful Negotiation

Like the majority of our clients who are not the “suing” type, you should know that we too see litigation as a last resort. That said, even though only a small percentage of Charlotte wrongful cases go to trial, we prepare every claim as if it will end up in court so that we are prepared for any and every eventuality. Because Maurer Law has a reputation for taking this approach, this often results in pre-trial settlements that are favorable to our clients.

Contact Maurer Law online or call 704-243-9292. Your initial consultation with us is a free, no obligation session. We work on a contingency basis which means that any fees you pay us would only come from what we help you recover.

Contact Us

  1. 1 Free Consultation
  2. 2 Available 24/7
  3. 3 No Fee Unless You Win
Fill out the contact form or call us at 888-258-1087 to schedule your free consultation.

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